Political Polarization Is A Psychology Problem

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

This discord worries me as a psychologist, not only for the stress it causes, but because it smacks of a social psychology phenomenon known as “group polarization.” In group polarization, people who have different views become reactionary and disagree with one another in a knee jerk response because they have identified so strongly with their “team” or in group. Thus, they begin to automatically reject any ideas associated with the “opponent,” or the out group. This can create a vicious circle in which the more we dislike a certain group, the more negatively we judge whatever they have to say ― and the more negatively we judge their statements, the more we dislike them, and the more we dislike them, the more negatively we judge their statements. Round and round we go.



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I teach them all the good I can, and recommend them to others from whom I think they will get some moral benefit. And the treasures that the wise men of old have left us in their writings I open and explore with my friends. If we come on any good thing, we extract it, and we set much store on being useful to one another. - Socrates, Memorabilia
What we maintain is that in none of the problems of life can men afford to lose sight of the storehouse bequeathed to them by the ancients. In the complexus of everything which differentiates man from the brute creation, the voice of antiquity must be heard...

-H. Browne, quoted in "Classics and Citizenship" The Classical Quarterly, 1920